Quaker Springs United Methodist Church
Our Stained Glass Windows

The Crown and Cross
The middle window on the west side of the Church was given in memory of James and Sarah Walker, a family that lived on the northerly edge of what is now the Saratoga National Historical Park. They drove to worship in their horse-drawn carriage with two seats in fair weather and in their sleigh in the wintertime. The Walkers lived on a beautiful farm which is now part of the historic battlefield lands.

The Dove of Peace
The most northerly window on the west side of the sanctuary has special significance to the Dodd family as it was given in memory of Wallace Dodd’s great grand parents, Frederick and Fanny (Davis) Dodd. Being that Frederick and Fanny were blessed with eleven children, the dove of peace was chosen by the Dodd’s to illustrate a desire for peace amongst all family members.
Today the Dodd’s are the only members of the Quaker Springs Church who still carry the same surname as the original benefactors who donated a stained-glass window.

The Anchor
The I. W. Meader window is the south most stained-glass window on the west side. The emblem of the anchor is a proper distinction for this prosperous man in the Quaker Springs community. The ground which our Church stands upon, as well as the building, were donated by the Meader family. Isaac Meader owned a large corner tract of land which contained several houses, the country store, a blacksmith shop and a sawmill. Surely this corner property was the hub and cornerstone of the Quaker Springs community. The Saratoga Grange property was purchased from the Meader family, as was the Quaker Springs Fire Department land. The Griffens who worship in our Church are descended from the Meaders on their mother’s side.

The White Lily
The first window on the east side of the Church was given by the Ladies Aid Society. The emblem of the white lily truly describes the hard work and the faithfulness of these dedicated women of the Church. Before 1940, the women’s organization in the Church, which is now called the United Methodist Women, was called the Ladies Aid Society. (In 1940, the organization changed it’s name to The Woman’s Society of Christian Service.) They added to the social life of the community by getting neighbors together in fellowship and dining, they raised money to improve Church property and that of the parsonage and they performed missionary work at home and abroad. The Society’s yearly fund raising effort was an oyster supper which was put on in the neighboring Grange Hall. Their monthly meetings usually ended with a supper and a hymn sing enjoyed by all.

The Bible
The Middle window on the eastern side of the sanctuary was given in memory of Nancy Lang Losee. She was a devout Sunday School teacher. The symbol of the Holy Bible is most appropriate as Mrs. Losee derived her Sunday School teachings from the scriptures and words of the Lord. The Wilson/Lagoe family are descendants of this fine lady.

The Sheaf of Wheat
The most southerly window on the east side was given by the Potter family. The Potter homestead was located where Al and Helen Velder’s later made their home. The Potters were owners of farmland in Quaker Springs and possessed land now owned by the Grozniak family, as well as the Potter-Brightman Farm on Duell Road. This family chose the sheaf of wheat to symbolize a land of plenty and endurance for all.