Quaker Springs United Methodist Church
Some History of Our Church

The information below was taken from the 150th anniversary book of the Quaker Springs United Methodist Church
The article itself was written for the 100th anniversary book.
The exact date of the founding of the Methodist Church in Quaker Springs is unknown, but it is generally believed that the first church stood at the top of the hill, west of the noted Mineral Springs.
On November 1843, the church was incorporated and was named the Methodist Church of Quaker Springs. This may be found in records of religious corporation County Clerks office, Ballston Spa, NY Vol. 2, Page 48. That building it seems was not considered by its members worthy of such an organization, so they began plans for a new church.
The deed states that the land was sold by David Ray (deceased) to the trustees of the First Methodist Church of Quaker Springs and their successors for fifty dollars in 1842.
The church was built in 1844 and dedicated in 1845.
The guest speaker was J.T. Peck, principal of Poultney Academy. A complete line of records has not been found. The most interesting items were preserved for many years by the late Isaac W. Meader. He was at one time a store keeper here and a man with much local pride for civic affairs as well as church work.
I had been trying to find out who built the church when I received a card from Minnie King. She said that William Armstrong (a shoe maker) had told her that the church people bought the frame of a big barn and moved it where it now stands. Most of the people that hear this think it might be so.
He would have been much over 100 years old now. Mr. Armstrong lived there all his life. In 1914, I.W. Meader bought his three-quarters acre of land. This joined Mr. Meader as well as the church. He tor down the house and cleansed up the place. He didn’t want any undesirable building going up in front of the church. Nor anyone to sell it while the church stands.
The church seems to have stood as first built until 1875 when an 8 foot hall was added to the front. This probably gave warmth in winter. A belfry was built over the hall to include a new bell. This bell was given by Morgan L. Holmes, a trustee of the church. It still rings, telling the country side that it is time for worship. At a later date, the steps were removed and a large porch and portico were built on. This kept the ladies dry while alighting from the horse drawn carriage or surrey, according to the size of the family.
Today the choir sits at the minister’s left. In the olden days it was in the rear of the church. The seats were raised in three tiers. Of Course, the kerosene lamps were replaced by electric light in September 1927. What a change this made!
A few years ago, the two long seats in the northwest corner were removed to make room for an upright piano.
The church was incorporated under the laws of New York State in 1880. The name of the church was then called The United Episcopal Church.
In 1890 the papers of satisfaction of mortgage had been drawn up. One day soon afterward the mortgage was burned. The paper was placed on a dust pan. A small lad, Edgar Barker, now living in Watervliet, lighted the match and applied it to the paper. Many of the old members looked back with pride to that date.
Now I want to tell you how the $379.50 was raised for the mortgage. Whenever the church needed money I.W. Meader would hang up a paper in his store. When anyone came in the store he would ask them if they had seen the paper. This paper which I have is two feet long and over 54 years old. Sixty people signed this paper and paid their money.
The names appearing on the paper are as follows:
Adsit, Rev. Spencer M. |
Agan, Jane |
Barett, John |
Bennet, Minnie |
Brightman, Charles |
Buck, Joseph |
Curtis, Frank |
Darling, Eliza |
Davis, Addie |
Davis, Anna |
Davis, Gideon |
Davis, John |
Davis, Nettie |
Dodd, Frank |
Dodd, Frederick, Jr. |
Dodd, Frederick, Sr. |
Dodd, Jessie |
Dodd, Joseph |
Dodd, Josephine |
Dodd, O.H. |
Dodd, Phebe |
Dodd, William H. |
Donnelly, Dr. W.S. |
Duell, George |
Esmond, Mr. Atwell |
Esmond, Mrs. Atwell |
Esmond, Reuben |
Esmond, Samual |
Gigallen, James |
Griffen, Mrs. Daniel |
Griffen, Daniel |
Griffen, Edward Sr. |
Hathaway, Fanny |
Holmes, George |
Holmes, Mary |
Holmes, Morgan L. |
Kitridge, George |
Lohnas, Elizabeth |
Lohnas, Elmire Jane |
Losee, Thomas |
Meader, Frederick W. |
Meader, Albert |
Meader, Isaac W. & Family |
Meader, Rinaldo E. |
Perkins, James Monroe |
Potter, Elnathan |
Potter, Hiram |
Russel, Edwin |
Sarle, Eugene |
Smith, Allen |
Smith, Austin |
Smith, Daniel |
Smith, Lewis |
Tanner, Charlotte |
Thomas, D.W. |
Van Arsdale, Mrs. Van |
Van Buren, Henry |
Van Wee, George |
Walker, James |
Wandall, George |
Wilber, Madison |
Wilson, Schuyler |
Wilson, Mrs. Warren |
Woodrow, Henry |
Wooley, Charles |
Y.W.C.T.U |
The Yearly meeting notes of 1864 state that the church belonged to the Stillwater circuit and in 1866 it joined Ketchums Corners.
Rev. Milton M. Lavery was the first minister under this plan. Rev. Roy Honeywell was his successor
Not all the names of the circuit preachers are known but for the last 50 years about 18 have preached from this pulpit, married those who wished to be joined in wedlock, officiated at burials, cheered the sick and rendered to the community such services as only a man of God can give.
Among the many interesting items of the personnel are: The descendants of one Charles Esmond, a trustee in 1851, have always worshiped in this church. His great, great, grandson, Robert Wilson was Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday School and great great grand daughters Olive and Marie Blodgett are a great to the Musical part of the service.
The grandmother of those children, Kate Esmond Wilson, was organist and sang in this church for many years even as far back as when the music came from a melodeon in the back of the church.
Wallace Dodd who was past Superintendent of the Sunday School, is a great, great, grandson of Frederick Dodd, Sr.. He was a trustee of the church in 1859.
Several great grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Meader are active in the church work of the young people and are prepared to take their active places in the church of tomorrow.
When the reception was held to welcome Rev. Roy . Honeywell and family to our midst, one of the trustees of the church Isaac E. Griffen said, “My parents, my grand parents and my great grandmother, Elmira Jane Lohnes, worshiped in it.”
Surely it is wonderful, that spirit of many which gives promise to the continuation of the work of the “Church by the Side of the Road”
On October 20, 1940, at a special corporate meeting the name of the church was changed to the Methodist Church of Quaker Springs.
Honorable mention should be made of the efficient work of the following over a long period of years.
Edward C. Griffen – Former Treasurer and Chairman of the Board of Trustees
George H. Lohnes – Former Chairman of the Finance Committee
Lewis S. Lohnes – Recording Steward
The influence of the Methodist Church of Quaker Springs must be measured in its record of service. Of that record it may justly feel proud. It has given to the community for one hundred years. It has been a perpetual benediction. For that long period it has stood, one place, where the hungry soul might be nourished with spiritual food. As years of service endear it to us, we join our hands to make it better able to serve others also. It seeks nothing for itself. It gives freely to all. This is why it lives, and grows, and prospers.
by Marietta Griffen
Record of Pastors since 1845
FORD, Marshal 1845
FORD, Abel 1845
CONNERS, Joseph 1851
SIMMONS, George C 1863
LEONARD, Jacob 1866
EARL, William 1867
MEDCALF, John E. 1877
Cox, William W. i 1879
DOW, Purcell L. 1882
BROOKS, Delos F. 1885
ADSIT, Spencer M. 1887
MCKENZIE, D. G. 1890
WINANS, F. O. 1893
COMSTALK, Ebenezer 1894
CLARK, Algernon S. 1897
WOLFORD, Anthony 1900
FISHER, Martin L. 1902
BROWN, Charles 1909
SQUIRES, Leander E. 1910
WOODRUFF, Almond M. 1912
RANDALL, Leon B. 1916
FRENCH, David H. 1919
SPEAR, Samuel 1923
ILLMAN, Robert I. B. 1926
MERRIER, William H 1928
MITTLER, Ralph 1932
LAVERY, Milton M. 1935
HONEYWELL, Roy J. 1939
COOPER, H. Allen 1941
REDFERN, Edgar F. 1946
HILLS, Howard M. 1948
BRANDON, Frank B. Jr. 1957
COLE, Jordan D. 1965
TOWNLEY, James A. 1968
TEMPLETON, Hugh E 1974
GARDNER, Barbara B. 1978
MATTHEWS, Jeffrey A. 1983
ADRIANCE, Carter B. 1989
FORREST, Virginia 1993
BATES, Bonnie 2001
KNAPP, Jim 2010
JOHNSON, Al 2012
LALKA, Ben 2016
ISEMAN, John 2018